No Summer Sun? But There is Summer Solstice Gin!

No Summer Sun? But There is Summer Solstice Gin!

Argggg, what a rubbish, soggy August Monday morning.


To cheer myself up and hopefully some gin lovers out there I thought I’d tell you a little bit more about Summer Solstice Gin – and to let you know it’s on sale to bring some sunshine to your home bar at least!


Summer Solstice Gin was the third gin I added to the Wessex Spirits collection. It launched in February 2018 on my 1st business birthday at The Greyhound on the Test in Stockbridge.


I’d never made a pink gin before as most of the pink gins on the market at that time had awful chemically tastes, unnatural pinkness and more sugar than a can of coke! Then it dawned on me; I make my own gin! (I know I’m a slow processor!) I can make gin however I like. I always wanted my gins to taste like proper gin so I started testing flavours and ingredients and found that dried hibiscus petals provide the most beautiful colour deepened by dried elderberries. And I added fresh strawberries for a summery taste. No sugar at all.


And to be honest I’m pretty pleased with the result! It’s a slightly sweeter gin compared to my others due to the natural fruit sugars in the strawberries and elderberries, and the colour is completely natural. So pink gin with a difference! I always say to people that if they like their gin a bit sweeter then mix with lemonade. Have a rummage in the freezer for some frozen berries and you’re away.


If you’re feeling adventurous try this delicious Gin and Jam cocktail:

  • 50ml Summer Solstice Gin
  • 20ml lemon juice
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of strawberry jam
  • Shake all the ingredients together vigorously in a cocktail shaker
  • strain into a glass full of ice
  • garnish with a strawberry and orange peel
  • For a longer drink add lemonade, tonic or Prosecco


If that sounds delicious or you just want a joyful pink gin in your collection it’s currently on Sale and you can treat yourself here.

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